Structural Geology, Geophysics, and Volcanology
Welcome! My name is Claire Ruggles, and I am a PhD candidate at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in the Department of Geoscience. I use structural geology and geophysics to study volcanic and plutonic systems, under the supervision of Dr. Basil Tikoff. I earned my bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, where I completed a senior thesis in structural geology. I then completed my master’s degree in structural geology at Iowa State University, under the advising of Dr. Sven Morgan and Dr. Jacqueline Reber, studying shallow magma emplacement of a laccolith in Montana.
I am working to establish a career in research and mentorship rooted in a multi-disciplinary and collaborative approach. In this research, I seek to better understand volcanic processes and hazards, the relationship between tectonic structures and magmatism, and how these processes may form economic resources. You can find more information on my research projects and experience in teaching and mentorship below. Thanks!